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Endoscopy is the general name given to the examination of internal body cavities by using a flexible, elongated tube with light and camera system.


The names vary according to the name of the region under investigation. Examination of the first section of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine through the mouth is called esophagogastroduodenoscopy or simply gastroscopy. Entering from the anus (rectal) is called colonoscopy to examine the large intestine, ectoscopy to examine the last 15 cm area of ​​our large intestine, and rectosigmoidoscopy to examine the last 30 cm area.


With these examinations, the internal structure of these organs can be clearly seen up to the finest detail. Particles (biopsies) for microscopic examination may be taken from suspicious areas. Some formations we call polyps can be removed by cutting, bleeding can be intervened and stopped, stenosis can be expanded, stents can be attached.


That is, endoscopic procedures can be performed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


While at least 6 hours of fasting is required for gastroscopy, the patient should apply a special diet for 3 days before the colonoscopy can be cleaned for the intestines.

When should gastroscopy be performed?

Gastroscopy is performed for complaints of swallowing difficulty, painful swallowing, swallowing, abdominal pain, stomach burning, excessive gas-belching, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, bleeding suspicion, iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency and bad breath. Gastroscopy can be performed in some places with sedation, that is, in the presence of anesthesiologists, much more comfortably when the patient is completely asleep. The patient's calm, sleep state facilitates the work of the doctor performing the procedure and improves the quality of the procedure.

Is it an Effective Method for Early Diagnosis of Diseases?

Some diseases, especially cancer, start slowly and insidiously and progress. Mostly it doesn't make a serious complaint. When he complains, he is usually advanced and delayed in terms of treatment. In fact, even most cancer-related complaints refer to advanced conditions in which the cancer mass occurs. Therefore, early diagnosis can often be made incidentally during examinations performed even when there is no complaint or during screening-checks. Sometimes it can be detected in the follow-up of a suspicious formation.

What should you pay attention to during gastroscopy?

Persons who will undergo gastroscopy should be hungry for 6-8 hours before the procedure and should not take any food including water. People who use blood thinners such as aspirin should notify their doctor before the procedure.


During endoscopy procedures, patients are asleep with a slight anesthesia. It is recommended that the patient does not drive for 12 hours after the procedure and that a companion will accompany the patient on the day of the procedure. The patient should rest for 12 hours after being discharged from the hospital and refrain from work that requires physical activity. Mild sore throat may occur for several hours after gastroscopy.

Gastroskopi - Uzman Doktor Çağrı Tiryai
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